
From our earliest days, Education has been a key component towards understanding and delivery Accessible Web Content.

We have delivered a wide variety of presentations, seminars and workshops on other web technologies, learning, and the Internet.


Typical subjects for these seminars include:

  • Web Accessibility and CLF: Challenges, guidelines and best practices for creating accessible web sites
  • Is my site broken? A web reality check…
  • Web Accessibility and Flexibility
  • Best Viewed with… How to ensure your web site will work virtually anywhere
  • Web Site Management tips and Tricks

Training Sessions

We have also developed and delivered training session in web development and Internet technologies. All courses can be customized to your needs, and delivered at your site if necessary. Alternatively, your training could be offsite in a local computer training facility.

All of our web development courses include accessibility and web standards as a common thread throughout. Currently courses delivered include:

  • Building Accessible Web Sites
  • Strategies for Constructing Accessible Web Sites
  • HTML & XHTML Essentials
  • Cascading Style Sheets
  • Web Site Management

We’d be happy to talk to you about speaking engagements, short or long seminars and workshops, or consulting arrangements.

Available Seminars

  • Developing an Accessible Web Site
    This full day seminar is designed for web development teams seeking to understand the issues surrounding web accessibility and looking to ensure their sites meet current accessibility guidelines and standards.